New Milky Way Science Working Group Lead: Xiaoting Fu

New Milky Way Science Working Group Lead: Xiaoting Fu

We are excited to announce another incoming Science Working Group co-lead, Xiaoting Fu (Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University).  Xiaoting will join Sarah Martell to co-lead the Milky Way and Resolved Stellar Populations Working Group.  She brings significant experience studying stellar populations in our Galaxy, in particular seeking to answer questions about the lithium problem as well as chemical abundance connections among stars, stellar clusters, and the Milky Way.

MSE offers our most sincere thanks to outgoing Milky Way co-lead Carine Babusiaux for her many years of service to the project, including her significant contributions to both the original (2016) and updated (2019) versions of the MSE Detailed Science Case.

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